Karen's Diet Diary Entry 4

August 4th, 2004

Well.... to have the most progress on a 'diet', it is important to have the best tools! Years ago we had a great trampoline and my sisters and I enjoyed it thoroughly! However, it died and I thought how cool it would be to end each day bouncing 'it off' on the trampoline!

The only 'catch' was that I would have to put it together! My folks pitched in a little to get the job done, but as you can see they , they thought it was best to take the pictures! hmmmm.... yikes!
It was a great workout!

I am doing this at the end of every workout day!

Yep, that's me! I look a bit strange in this
picture with sweat dripping off my nose!
Our last trampoline had springs and was a
bit easier to set up... but it all worked out fine!
In football, they call it 'hit position'
Bouncing and pushing off with your arms is a
 great all body workout!
Mom grabbed this picture of me  between bouncing routines. I wasn't sure she wanted me to stop...
Not very dignified, my 3 sisters and I did a lot of
bouncing this way when we were young!
This really works the abs!
Ok... this picture requires a bit of an explanation.
I am trying to look like
'Austin Powers' here! :)
Mom and Dad coming over to inspect my work!
I think Dad thinks it would be a great place to rest!
hey! That's my trampoline!
Here's my kitty FUZZY!
Those are
pears from our tree at the bottom right.
They are very yummy!

Can you tell I am losing weight and inches! I am still gaining strength!

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